22 Feb 2009

New York Times article from July 23, 1998

Set-Top Television Translator To Provide Spanish Captioning


Published: July 23, 1998

English-language television programs may gain a stronger foothold among Spanish-speaking viewers, thanks to a new translation device.

TCC Communications of Canada has developed a set-top box that converts English closed captioning into Spanish. The box, intended for people in the United States who speak only Spanish, is far from perfect but more than good enough, said John Grayson, the chief executive of TCC.

'’It is accurate at best about 70 percent of the time,’’ Mr. Grayson said. ‘‘But it is better than looking at 80 channels with nothing on.’’

Fred Popowich and Paul McFetridge, researchers at Simon Fraser University in Canada, are working to raise that accuracy rate.

Read rest of the story from the New York Times.