02 Oct 2013

Dan Fass will give a talk in the lab meeting on October 2nd at TASC1 9408. The meeting will start at 1130 hours. A description is below:

“Emotion differentiation” is a term borrowed from Feldman et al (2001), who use it to describe the range of individual human experience of emotions, from relatively undifferentiated to highly differentiated. In this talk, the term is used in the context of theories of emotion, especially those that have proven attractive in the field of “affective computing” (Picard, 1995), which has also been called “emotion-oriented computing” (HUMAINE, 2004). One theory of emotion is given particular attention: The OCC model of 22 emotion types (Ortony et al, 1988), probably the emotion theory most used in affective computing, along with Ekman’s theory of six basic emotions (Ekman, Friesen, & Ellsworth, 1982), which is also given attention. The field of “affective NLP” (cf. Strapparava, 1997) is briefly described, as are some implementations of the OCC model in affective computing and affective NLP. Some problems with theories of emotion and the OCC model are reviewed, and then some of my own research is briefly presented.