Faculty Members

TASC-1 building interior

Mailing Address

Natural Language Lab Simon Fraser University Technology and Applied Sciences Building: TASC 9404 8888 University Drive Burnaby, B.C. V5A 1S6

Phone Numbers

Lab phone: +1.778.782.3208 Fax: +1.778.782.3045 Email: nll-contact at sfu dot ca

Lab FAX number: +1-778-782-3045


The SFU Natural Language Laboratory and the faculty offices are located on the SFU Burnaby campus in the TASC-1 building (Technology and Science Complex 1), just south of Science Road and north of South Campus Road, east of the South Science Building. The lab is in Suite 9404.

TASC-1 building street view

See here for maps and driving and transit instructions. If you come by bus, stay on until the last stop on campus (the Bus Loop next to Lot E in the map). It is a short walk south to TASC-1. If you drive up, you will have to find parking in one of the visitor spots and make your way to the TASC-1 building. The closest visitor parking is Lot VB in the map above.

Fred Popowich’s office number is 9423, on the 2nd floor of the building. Anoop Sarkar’s office number is 9427, on the 2nd floor of the building.