21 Mar 2018

In our lab meeting this week, Nadia will talk about EPIC corpus. Here is the title and abstract of her talk:

Title: The European Parliament Interpreting Corpus E.P.I.C.

Abstract: The EPIC corpus is an open, parallel, trilingual (Italian, English and Spanish) corpus of European Parliament speeches and their corresponding interpretations. The basic idea behind the EPIC project was to collect a large quantity of interpreting data (i.e. source and interpreted speeches) to produce much-needed empirical research on the characteristics of interpreted speeches and to inform and improve training practices. More specifically, the research interest of the Directionality Research Group lies in the study of interpreters’ strategies across different language combinations and directions (language-pair-related issues and directionality issues, respectively).

Wednesday, March 21, 10-11 AM, Location: TASC1 9408.