TAG+9 2008


We are using EasyChair for the submission and the review process.

Submission page

Guidelines for Formatting Papers for the Proceedings

The deadline for submitting the final camera-ready paper for the proceedings is April 28, 2008. You can submit your PDF file by e-mail to tagplus@sfb441.uni-tuebingen.de or upload the PDF file to EasyChair (instructions will be emailed to you).

The paper must be submitted in PDF format. The papers can be no more than 8 pages in length, including all figures, references and any other auxiliary information. There is no difference in the length between a submission accepted as a talk compared to a poster presentation.

It is very important to specify A4 format paper, and not to include page numbers. For instance, create an A4 size output from your .dvi file by running dvips -t a4 dvifile and then convert to PDF using ps2pdf.

Authors are strongly recommended to use the style files provided here. All manuscripts should look like the sample PDF file below, which also contains the detailed formatting specification.

TAG+9 is using the COLING 2008 style files for formatting the papers that will be published in the proceedings. However, please do not contact anybody from COLING 2008 if you have questions regarding formatting and use of these style guidelines. If you have any such questions, send them to tagplus@sfb441.uni-tuebingen.de.

Format specification/example paper

LaTeX style files

Microsoft Word template

All in one

Help with EasyChair for Abstract Submission

EasyChair really is easy to use. However, if you are running into problems, please refer to the step by step procedure for submission given below:

The process breaks down into two stages: getting the account, and submitting the abstract.

Creating an account:

  • Go to the TAG+9 submission page
  • Click the "I have no account" button
  • Enter name, email, and secret word
  • Check your email
  • Click the link in the message you get from EasyChair
  • Enter your secret word
  • Enter all your personal info (* fields are required)
    • The password must be 8+ characters, or you get an error.
  • Click the button at the bottom to submit and go back to the login screen.

Submitting your abstract:

  • Go to the TAG+9 login page
  • Enter your username and password
  • Log in
  • Click "New Submission" on the top of the page
  • Enter information about author(s)
    • For yourself, you can click the link at the top of the author box to enter your own information from your account profile into the form.
    • For others, type it in. There is a link to add information about co-authors but it is not essential to set this up.
    • Checkboxes select which author(s) will get emails from the system.
  • Enter Title
  • Enter Abstract (a short text blurb)
    • This is a text box that needs a short text blurb about your full abstract. Your full abstract has to be submitted as a PDF file which follows the guidelines described in the Call for Papers. This text box, in contrast, is a short text description of your work as required by EasyChair. Unfortunately, it is also called an abstract.
    • The abstract should be at least a few sentences long or EasyChair will not allow you to continue with the submission.
  • Enter keywords (at least 2, up to 5)
  • Browse for the pdf file of your abstract
    • Checking "Abstract Only" implies that you are not uploading a file, and reviewers should only look at that text box
  • Click submit
  • Logout is under a dropdown menu accessed by hovering your mouse over the EasyChair link.